My first reaction to the situation in Iran was rooted in base gratitude for the fact that I live in a country where the transfer of power is a “reasonable, peaceful” process.
One commenter had a different reaction:
I was happy when I saw the Iranian chaos. To me it demonstrates the growing liberalism and the increasing level of freedom of expression that is arising in Iran. It’s actually quite inspiring.
Increasingly, I agree, especially after reading about developments like this one.
Of course, the million-dollar question remains: “Is it all for naught?” My wife thinks it is. She suspects we’ll be disappointed in the end; that for all the apparent cracks in the Iranian circle of power, nothing much will change. Normally, I’d share her skepticism. This time, I don’t, for some inexplicable (naive?) reason.
UPDATE: My naivete takes its lumps, while my wife’s skepticism is boosted. (She has always been the smarter of the two of us.)